Tripura is the most seasoned teacher and DMT practitioner in India. Her clarity of mind and experience show in every detail in her instruction. Her modules are clear, precise and effective and have a wide variety of ranges from education, training programs and emotional release among others. She is a mentor and guide to many of us in the country and I am super grateful to have crossed paths with her. She is talented and amazing at her work and one of the most beautiful and graceful souls I have come across. Thank you, Tripura for pinning the therapeutic value of movement in India on the global map and for all the work you do with utmost sincerity.
Bhaktiveda - Founder of Praanah Expressive Awakening (www.praanah.in) / Expressive Art Therapist, Sound Healing Practitioner and Breathwork Facilitator
Learning from the visionary Tripura Kashyap ji in her dance therapy sessions has been an enlightening journey. Her ability to seamlessly integrate theoretical foundations with practical applications makes her sessions profoundly educative, not just for me but also for my master's students. Each session is meticulously designed to cater to diverse learning needs, offering a perfect balance of intellectual insight and experiential learning.
Her thoughtful approach ensures that the participants gain a comprehensive understanding of dance therapy, fostering a deep appreciation for its transformative potential. The precision with which she crafts her modules reflects her vast expertise and dedication to the art form, making her a beacon of inspiration in this field. My students and I always look forward to her sessions, as they leave us inspired, informed, and eager to explore the endless possibilities of dance therapy in education and beyond.
Dr. Parul Purohit Vats
Dean, School of Performing Arts (SoPA)
World University of Design, Sonipat, Delhi NCR.
My dance movement journey with Tripura has been a creative turning point in life. I could explore somatic stories through the movement space she created for me. I have been fortunate to have met her and looking forward for more such work in the future.
Haseena Abdulla
Teaching & Supervising Transactional Analyst / Supervising Psychodrama Practitioner & Trainer
I first met Tripura during the preparatory work towards an Installation Art project “Silence of Furies and Sorrows – pages of a burning city” (1995). Halfway through the project I felt compelled to incorporate a dance performance imbued with a therapeutic essence to embody feelings of agony and despair that artists faced. Tripura’s solo performance ‘Anguish’ turned out to be a unique process-oriented dance that blended organically with art installations created by the other collaborating artists in the show at Venkatappa Art Gallery. Since then, she has collaborated with us in many art projects that I have conceptualised. Her choreography and performances have been an integral part of Art installations such as ‘Walls of Memories’, ‘Territory’ and ‘Quilted’ - These are solid examples of cross-art practices concluding in exhibitions combined with performances. Over the years, we have continued to explore interlinks between Visual Arts and dance - Tripura's aesthetic sensibility, movement, and choreography have contributed to the enrichment of the visual arts scene in Bengaluru in more ways than one!
C.F. John, Visual Artist/Social Activist (Bengaluru)
“Tripura is the most beautiful, humble soul I have met. She has touched so many lives and gave me a purpose too when I was looking for something meaningful. Not only is she an amazing facilitator but a brilliant teacher and has single-handedly spread dance therapy in India. She has always been generous with sharing her resources and it is because of her open heartedness that Dance Therapy is where it is in India. She is a monk in the city and her presence embodies what she teaches. She is my mentor, teacher, friend and has always been there for me when I needed her.”
Anubha Doshi, Arts-based therapist / Psychologist & Founder-Director, Artsphere/Soulsphere, Pune
“Movement for me happens at different levels of consciousness - both in the mind and body. I realized this once again while participating in Tripura’s workshop. The somatic experiencing helped me gain a better insight about the self-care practices so essential to nourish and enrich the wisdom present in our bodies, which we often tend to overlook. This practice of movement therapy resonates with my awareness of being, a feeling of epiphany!”
Sabitri Sanyal, Dance Movement Therapy Practitioner, Kolkata
“Tripura’s wealth of experience in Dance Therapy (in India and internationally) is incredibly inspiring. I have witnessed her facilitation skills first-hand at many conferences, and her ability to empathically attune to those around her is highly evident. She has been a pioneer in introducing creative movement therapy to India, particularly in the establishment CMTAI - An organisation which I will forever be proud to be affiliated with. I am honoured for the opportunities I have had to work alongside you, Tripura!”
Sara Owen, Dance Movement psychotherapist, London
“Tripura, you have achieved amazing heights & your Dance therapy has helped so many people in their life’s journeys. You are so approachable, unassuming and your classes are an amazing experience! It has been my privilege to be associated with you in past & hope more opportunities happen in future. Your website reflects the magnificence of your persona & beauty. May god give you more strength to do more good work and all the best!”
Bela Joshi, Managing Trustee, Colours Education Trust, Bengaluru
“It's amazing to see you and your entire life's work journey at one place. I am sure this helps a ton of people including me!”
Sivapriya, Karur, Therapeutic Movement Facilitator, Chennai
“Initially my classical dance training kept interrupting the flow of natural movement like speed breakers! But what I experienced in the next few minutes was absolutely beautiful - I closed my eyes and moved with a movement prop like never before. That was my body talking to me -That is therapy! With years of training and practice in the classical dance of Kathak my experience was rather overwhelming! There was a tug of war between my body and mind, where one wanted to flow and the other demanded the structure, but as I closed my eyes and invited my body to move, move as it felt like..., what followed was just beautiful! An experience that was so personal and helped to connect and listen to what my body was saying”
Vonita Singh, Dancer/Choreographer, Dubai
“You are the pioneer to thousands of changed lives!! Like myself!! Sending you so much wishes”.
Bhavna Mahajan, President, Uttar Pradesh Mental Health Council – WICCI, Delhi
“Tripura educated the staff at Apnalaya NGO in Mumbai and trained all the staff members that are responsible for the different centers catering to women's groups and children. The workshop participants were extremely grateful for Tripura’s knowledge and methods. What impressed me most is the way she has adapted her Dance therapy knowledge so spontaneously to the group in front of her. Everyone felt that we gained knowledge that we can use in our work spaces and personal lives. I feel grateful and honoured to have had the chance to study with such an amazing teacher as Tripura.”
Josefin Wikstrøm, Yoga practitioner /Choreographer/dancer, Sweden
“It was two days of finding myself and being aware. I learnt that my body sometimes needs to let go to realize what it can do. I also understood how difficult it is to be your true to the self in front of others. Tripura, your workshop was extremely well organized where everything started and ended on time!”
Anandita Kakar, Zumba Trainer / Therapeutic movement facilitator, Delhi
“In the last online workshop with Tripura, I was able to release yet another phase of pain - expat depression after uprooting myself to a foreign land, heartbreak, coronavirus lockdown anxiety and most sadly the halting of movement. The workshop has oiled the wheels of movement in my life again and I am determined to overcome each of the challenges head on. Interestingly, I was also able to define movement signatures for myself, which I am practicing daily now and also re-ignite deep gratitude for my parents after an embodiment activity. Thankyou Tripura!”
Anna, Psychotherapist, London
“Tripura’s workshops are very enlightening! I like the way she customizes them according to the theme and participants, it’s a mixture of fun and learning which is what I enjoy the most. I wish you more luck and success through your journey in Dance Therapy.”
Asha Sarella, Dancer/Choreographer, Bengaluru
"I feel enriched by the experience and now as a qualified CMT facilitator, I feel I have a strong tool to connect with the varied populations we work with at Goonj. I would recommend the CMT course to everyone right from children to senior citizens to gain an insight about our body and mind. Given its multi sectoral relevance, I feel CMT should become an integral part of India’s education, health and therapeutic sector work."
Meenakshi Gupta, Co-founder, Goonj, Delhi
An introduction to Creative Movement Therapy led by Tripura Kashyap is one of our most popular add-on modules for the Post Graduate Diploma in Music Therapy. The module incorporates the theory of movement therapy with practical movement activities in relation to different facets of Music. Students enhance self and group awareness through their personal movement language as well as increase their appreciation of ‘movement to music’ as a creative-therapeutic modality. We at Ashwaas are very happy that Tripura will be continuing to lead this module as part of our new PGD course in 2021/22, which is now being offered in academic collaboration with St. Mira's College for Girls, an autonomous college affiliated to the Savitribai Phule University.
Margaret Lobo, Music Therapist, Director of Ashwaas, London/Pune.
“It was great experience altogether Tripura! I was completely satisfied with the application of whatever you taught to us. You were creative throughout and offered us a different lens to look at each activity. Looking forward to learning from you more and more. Thank you so much for everything you taught us and I will be grateful towards you always”
Shubhangi, Therapeutic movement facilitator, Pune
“It has been a memorable journey which I sometimes wish had not ended so quickly. Your workshop touched, taught and made me aware of a certain purpose in life that I was seeking. Each and every experience in the workshop was so enriching...Your movement experiences taught me "TO LET GO..." Am looking forward to continuing this journey.
Rashmi, Manager, HCL, Noida.
“The training under Tripura formally in the very first class of 2013 and then subsequent support and multiple training under her in-depth guidance is not only improving me as an educator and facilitator every day but also as a person, human and care-giver. Some of us with our deep transformation during DMT training and deep personal connection, guidance and support from Tripura were able to start-up Creative Movement Therapy Association of India (CMTAI) in 2014. Tripura’s in-depth personality, deep spiritual strength and transformative impact as a dancer, dance movement therapist, psychologist and a mentor is something that I will forever cherish and be deeply grateful for.
Nilima Sil, Educator & Development professional, Japan
“Tripura's sessions covered almost everything that needs to be understood and assimilated by a therapist at the foundational level. The session content was comprehensive, self-explanatory, process oriented, experiential and well-defined. My personal experience as a participant to undergo the processes was challenging. It created an inner jolt that built my self-esteem and confidence which I presumed I had in plenty. Somehow, awakening happened, trigger points were touched upon and there was a cognitive enlightenment to be more precise. Tripura's session was self-awakening, getting in touch with my inner child and a journey that helped me to become a better human to carry forward services in this line.
Vasanthi Subramanium, Therapeutic movement facilitiator, Salem
“Tripura and Dance Movement Therapy sound synonymous in India. I have had the privilege to attend multiple workshops conducted by her, she is a fabulous teacher, excellent therapist and an extremely compassionate human being. Her simple approach towards very complex issues always mesmerises me. She is an inspiration to me and many more of us, aspiring therapists across the country”.
Angira Chakraborty, DMT practitioner, Counsellor, Kolkata
“Tripura is such a pioneer in the field of empowerment and creative movement therapeutic practices. She is knowledgeable, skilled, and creative. She has a natural talent and a gift for putting together creative and expressive arts movement practices to help individuals and families move more solidly into their own trauma healing and recovery paths. We are grateful for her work, her compassion, and her unwavering dedication to our family!
Jodi Maslowski (Psychologist/Counsellor) Steve & family, USA